View Current Parking Lot Rules
Like many schools, we have a challenging parking lot. Please take the time to review our procedures. And please consider having your child ride the bus whenever possible to help alleviate parking lot congestion. This system works if all parents follow the procedures.
Here are some very important reminders
- Please drive slowly and carefully along the streets leading to Madrona and in the parking lot.
- Please actually enter the parking lot to drop off or pick up your child.
- You put your child at risk by dropping him/her off on a side street.
- You put your child at risk by having him/her cross 236th and the bus lane.
- You disrespect other parents coming into the parking lot by making them wait while your child crosses at the north end of the parking lot.
- Never park in the neighborhood to either take your child into school or to drop them off. There is always extra parking available on the grass by the track, and our neighbors do not like it when parents block their driveways or park on their grass.
- Please continually pull your car as far forward as you can so that other parents can get to the drop off lane.
- Please ensure your child is ready to leave your car quickly in the morning so you don’t block the line for other waiting parents.
- Please encourage your child to be prompt at the end of the day so that you aren’t blocking the line and making other families wait unnecessarily.
- Please do not ask for an early dismissal from school to avoid the parking lot and remember you cannot take your child from his or her classroom without stopping by the Main Office and signing them out.
- Please always be courteous and kind to your fellow drivers and the Madrona aides who work in the parking lot. It is a very stressful job and we’re very lucky to have them.
How our parking lot works
There are two lanes moving at the same line as you circle the lot (see map below). The outside lane is for those parents that want to drop‐off their children at the curb in front of the school (don’t EVER park at the curb and leave your car – this lane is moving continuously). Always pull forward as soon as you can while in this lane. The inner lane is for those parents that are looking for parking spaces or are trying to leave. At the end of the day when you line up in the “pick‐up” lane, please be courteous & don’t block all of the parking spaces on the far side of the lot for those who need to park.
The kindergartners are picked up in the classroom and most of these parents need to find parking. You will have plenty of time to move forward in the line as they fill up. Last but not least, please smile and give a friendly wave to our parking lot helpers. They are working their best to keep all of us safe.
Riding the Bus
Because our parking lot is so congested each morning and afternoon, we encourage you to have your child take the bus to school. Madrona is considered a ‘choice school’ and therefore doesn’t have buses that come from your neighborhood directly to the school. Your child can catch a bus going to Madrona from your neighborhood school.
The Edmonds School district maintains a bus tool that will help parents find where they can take their child to use bus service to Madrona.
Parents of enrolled students should receive a postcard detailing the location and times for bus pickup. This should arrive around mid-August.
If your child doesn’t normally ride the bus
Students who are not signed up to ride the bus must have a parent-signed permission slip or bus pass which includes:
- bus number
- student name
- parent signature
For more information contact the Transportation department at 425-431-7230.