What you need for Shrek Jr. Auditions next week

What you need for Shrek Jr. Auditions next week: Leads & Features – Tues. 12/12/23, 4:00pm-6:00pm Chorus/Ensemble – Wed. 12/13/23, 4:00pm-6:00pm Callbacks – Thurs. 12/14/23, 4:00pm-6:00pm Your student needs to choose only one day of auditions based on the size of role they are auditioning for. Students that are called that day will meet in the commons area to …

Week 13 MIT Update

Upcoming Dates 12/6 MCT Parent Meeting 12/8 Madrona Vineyard 12/18-1/1 Winter Break Madrona Giving Tree Madrona Giving Tree is our annual drive to help families in need within our school community.  You can help two ways: pick up a tag or two off the tree located in the main office.  Return the tag and associated gift, unwrapped to the …

Week 12 MIT Update–Giving Tree

Upcoming Dates 11/22-24 Thanksgiving Break 12/6 MCT Parent Meeting 12/8 Madrona Vineyard Madrona Giving Tree Madrona Giving Tree is our annual drive to help families in need within our school community.  You can help two ways: pick up a tag or two off the tree located in the main office.  Return the tag and associated gift, unwrapped to the …
MIT Parent Volunteer Site Editors Registration Now OpenRegister
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