MIT Week 10 Newsletter

Upcoming Dates 11/7   International Trip info night (6th and 7th grade only) 11/10 No School 11/13 MIT Meeting 6:30   Japan Trip 2025! For Families of Current 6th and 7th graders:  Zoom Link Below! Final Reminder to 6th and 7th grade families! Come to an informational meeting for our trip to Japan (did you guess?!)…

Week 9 from MIT

Upcoming Dates 11/2 Equity Team Meeting 5:30-6:30 11/7 International Trip info night (6th and 7th grade only) 11/10 No School 11/13 MIT Meeting 6:30 Get those Green Envelopes turned in! The end of the Madrona Kids Fund campaign is rapidly approaching! Our goal is 100% participation, evidenced by the return of green envelopes for every child.…

Get those Green Envelopes turned in!

Madrona Kids Fund (MKF) Madrona Kids Fund Update… Greetings, Madrona community! The end of the Madrona Kids Fund campaign is rapidly approaching! Our goal is 100% participation, evidenced by the return of green envelopes for every child. So far, we’ve only had fewer than 200 envelopes returned. Please have your child return their green envelope to their …

Bear Scare on Friday 10/27/23 at 6pm to 8pm

Bear Scare is this Friday 10/27/23 from 6pm until 8pm. What is Bear Scare? Bear Scare is Madrona’s biggest all-school party of the year! Featuring costumes, fun games, spooky (but safe!) decorations, cool music, a Trick-Or-Treat Street, a Pumpkin-Carving Contest, a cupcake walk, candy crafts, cookie decorating and fun, interactive activities for all ages, it’s a party …

Week 8 From MIT

Upcoming Dates 10/23-10/27 Conference Week–Half Day Release 12:30 10/23-10/27 Spirit Week–See dress up days below 10/23-10/27 Floor Ball Enrichment (12:30-4:00, grades k-6) 10/24  Conference Week Staff Dinner 10/27 Bear Scare (6:00-8:00) 11/7   Europe Trip info night (6th and 7th grade only) 11/10 No School 11/13 MIT Meeting 6:30   Madrona Kids Fund Have you returned your green envelope yet?…

Week 7 News From MIT

Upcoming Dates 10/20 No School 10/23-10/27 Conference Week–Half Day Release 12:30 10/23-10/27 Floor Ball Enrichment (12:30-4:00, grades k-6) 10/24  Conference Week Staff Dinner 10/27 Bear Scare (6:00-8:00) 11/7   Europe Trip info night (6th and 7th grade only)   Madrona Kids Fund Madrona Integrated Team (MIT) is kicking off the annual fundraising ask, referred to as the Madrona Kids Fund (MKF).…
MIT Parent Volunteer Site Editors Registration Now OpenRegister
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