Get those Green Envelopes turned in!

Madrona Kids Fund Update…

Greetings, Madrona community!

The end of the Madrona Kids Fund campaign is rapidly approaching! Our goal is 100% participation, evidenced by the return of green envelopes for every child. So far, we’ve only had fewer than 200 envelopes returned. Please have your child return their green envelope to their teacher, even if it is empty! The final day for Green Envelope participation is Friday, November 3rd. All centers with a 100% return rate will earn a popcorn party in appreciation. If you haven’t seen the green envelope yet, please check your child’s backpack, or grab an extra at the front office.

Our goal this year is to raise an average of $65 per student, to cover our yearly budgetary need. We understand that the capacity to give varies, and whether you can donate $5 or $500, everything is greatly appreciated!

You can make a one-time donation, or subscribe to monthly donations Checks may be made out to MIT and returned with the green envelope, or placed in the MIT box in your child’s center.

Also, please look into whether your employer offers matching charitable donations. It’s a wonderful way to increase the benefit to our school!

As is common with traditional, purchase-based fundraising drives, we ask that you consider spreading the word to your extended community, such as your broader family and friend circles.

We will continue to follow up with reminders to all of you via the MIT facebook group, ParentSquare, MadronaBearFacts, and MIT emails. And thank you, again, so much in advance for helping us make this fundraising drive a success for all of us in the Madrona community!

Madrona Integrated Team (MIT)

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